
I enjoyed the living fuck out of this
it hits all my buttons , louis is good at that
the C.K. backlash is getting fucking tiresome
he is bloody talented and it shows in both his work and those that want to work with him

This gets my award of worst of 2016 so far, just bloody awful, cringe-worthy crap

Phew , now that was more like it.
that first ep had me worried,now I'm sad there is only 6 , i want some full on MOTW heheh

very glad to hear that, I still look forward to tonights ep

I was over the top excited for this but sadly it bored the shit out of me, I hope to God it was table setting and the next eps will be more entertaining

That is fucking awesome
nuff said

Oh fuck no
this one hurts
RIP Ziggy

loved it, that is all

Thx much for the link,
great context and cleared up a few questions niggling at the back of my mind

So…you are the christ? yes the great jesus christ?
jesus i loved and love the original album,as an ex catholic/athiest for 30 yrs…i still listen every goddamn easter and christmas..now THAT'S storytelling ;)

RIP Lemmy

Words fail me, this was a stunningly blatant frame job on both men (irregardless of any guilt btw)
What was done to that young man is beyond anything I would have thought any professional within the justice system could stomache ,I am thoroughly disheartened that it obviously wasn't

What the hell was the name of that Peter Sellers movie about people devolving to the point where they wade in a tub of shit?…Ringo Starr was in it…and badfinger did the beatles "homage" tunes?

me too, just I wasn't a kid just a stoner early adopter/film crazy bastard

just what science needs another fucking alternate….fucking humans

"When the chorus of grunting men kicks in at around the five minute mark, the track flips from excellent to transcendent. It’s both reminiscent of Morricone’s legendary scores for Sergio Leone and something altogether new."

oh and the use of War Pigs…well it made me euphoric and tense
as it should be

Season 2…but mainly for the plethora of stellar talent,Malvo is still stellar in my heart

OK now that was a helluva episode,
but I gotta say that bloody UFO knocked it down to an A- for me

I totally agree on the "cute" front, I find myself thinking "christ she is just impossibly cute" and it pulls me out of the story at times