
First, fantastic job on these write ups Caroline thank you
and second i bloody hope there is a season 2 I enjoyed the hell out of Jessica Jones

naw it's a way of life

i wish i could upvote more than once

Laugh all you want eh
I shall give it a chance EH

Hey I like Jonah too, he at least seems annoyed at Hardwick exactly where i would be

Any chance Rose swapped out Mateo for a ringer to provide future leverage? Naw that would only happen on a soap…….

Damn that was good!
Dare I say better than the season one premiere?

More confused than ever,but in a good way?…….

Lick,Lick,Lick my balls!

Fingers FUCKING crossed

Jesus H!
neither did I till you mentioned it and i scrolled up lol

agree completely
very cogent post

heh it's gonna take me a bloody year of rewatching to catch all the goodies tucked all over the place in this damn show,
I LOVE IT! an O.C,D. fever dream

Heheh, now i detest that song just a tiny bit less

that was my exact reaction "wait, since when do they know each other? nvm take a frickken ballet class together?"

IMO the show got more nonsensical as it went along this might just be an interesting way to tackle it…but honestly you gotta watch it in order first time through tho

Sweet Jebus, my head is still spinning
best mindfuck TV of the year, I am going to have to rewatch this ep a few times to let it sink in

I dunno about "hack"
but fuck am i in the mood for a little Tarantino for Christmas

this was a reply to a thread about the loss of the OLD AV Club and Wyatt Cenac and the Maron podcast\but FUCKING DISQUS

dude spells his nick wrong ;)