
RIP Roddy, have some bubblegum on me

if you subscribe though which kinda negates the no cable thing

that would make my life complete..or at least it would kick ass ;)

Can Tatiana be nominated for supporting …like 6 times?


If Tat Maslany does not win

oh for fucks sake.
give it a rest eh?

Holy Shit!
now there's an action flick

Long rich life, still sad though
I loved the Metal, and I watch the Hammer films A LOT

Fantastic ending to a fantastic show, I for one am very curious as to what Loretta might get up to tho….. PLEASE

oh I see , it's time for the mandatory C.K. backlash…
how tiresome
This episode was great , uncomfortable and funny as hell
sooo glad to see it back

in the stray observations the name of the black guy on MASH is wrong and Black is spelled incorrectly, is this a disqus filter or something?

what the heck is up with this "pending" nonsense

Not to be overly picky but, it's "spearchucker" and it is spelled b l a c k
overall a kinda meh episode

Not to be overly picky but, it's spearchucker and it is spelled b l a c k
overall a kinda meh episode

god damn
LLAP sir,damn

Only in because that is the stupidest headline i have ever read
Fuck Taylor Sniff Fuck Etsy

Fantastic news!

agreed, it was kinda shocking just how fuckin bad it was sadly

Oh i bet he "played" rudy a lot
a Whole lot