
German class?
That was a Hungarian film
god bless the teacher i suppose lol
edit:hmm wikipedia seems to disagree but i could have sworn….

holy fuck
that women needed help i suspect
i doubt she got any though. probably still subbing

see above:

That flick where he recapped Jonestown?
The Sacrament or someshit
what in the hell was the point of that?
I usually love his stuff , but that was soooo fuckin pontless…

someone tell george, but not my sister she actually has it
(it can be handled with supervision and drugs btw)


I had an 7th grade substitute french teacher
(in canada we take french from first grade)
Madame Gosilyn , horrible halitosis and she would literally shriek if anyone used English, she made me aware of how batshit politics where in French Canada

what is form subbing?

bootleg vodka
auto-erotic asphyxiation
Pauly Shore movies

try a private boy's school with priests
just sayin

damn I wanted to like this so much, and was looking forward to it long before all that hacking bullshit, just kinda felt flat to me, c'est la vie

The reviewer did not notice Jonathan Coulton as the DUI initially with Cary?
tsk tsk
was nice to see him, he made a great drunk lol


Shovel Knight

but cmon? endless Red Green reruns are kinda like torture eh…..

hmmm well besides Maslany and Tommy Chong nuthin comes to mind…oh yeah "Fuddle Duddle"

good point. It was indeed jarring

I admire that turn of phrase heh
good point;

hmm excellent points..i think you may be on the right track

great point re: Helena at the beginning, and she turned into my fave character…
god damn Maslany is good