
I have to agree, Cosima seems to get short shrift a lot,well i suppose you can only humanly expect "so much" awesome from Maslany and/or the writers

that is a show i would watch religiously, esp if Helena was around to steal the powdered doughnuts….

agreed it's a fine line, but damn if it doesn't make me grin every time

OK, I'm with you re: the high-school play glued on beard, but as a whole i enjoyed this episode a lot, yes it shifted gears a lot but that is exactly what i liked about OB in the first place, and despite it looking fucking ridiculous, I felt Maslany did a fine job as Tony, I however would wish he went the "Poochy"

very clearly joints here
hmm mebbe 2 diff cuts

good point, i rarely enjoy the "my latest movie" segments on TDS

well played well played!
now where did i put that r??????

I'm afraid you comment on my comment grades a C+

I see a lot of "same as Daily show" in the comments, I don't really agree since he takes some stories that would never make it on basic cable and treats them with greater depth
at any rate what exactly is wrong with more Daily Show type programming?
personally I love it

And are we ever getting our grading system back?
i need to give this shows an arbitrary letter grade to feel complete dammit!

Yes indeed welcome!
I found you review entirely on point
god i love this shpw

Welcome bacl Sarah,Alison,Cosima ,Rachel and omfg Helena!
I cheered at that screechy theme

so psyched for another season, Tat,I like that heh

yeah…there will be no rape …sheesh you have far too much faith in humanity methinks

Jesus you people make me feel old, never saw WKRP ? how can i trust your opinions now?

and….. of course my guide was wrong eh

hmm it is listed as being on on my SAT channels (Canada)

Oh and just finding "What's on Tonight" amidst the FUCKING HUGE tiles is a massive pain in the ass…..

opps double

What AVC not covering Sons of Anarchy anymore?