
creepy/sexy…… you say tomatoe…… jk jk I agree totally

I would have left dude's ass in that Pit no questions asked, as anyone with half a brain would

I know your pain. seriously what the fuck is the point of that if it isn't solely meant to annoy?

after looking around , i DESPISE this revamp
no not because i fear change but because i hate pointless change that makes usability actually worse

hmm on first discovery , i am not a fan of the new layout
main question : where is i watched this button?

i see what you are saying but a BIG BUT Theyy were Diane's client;s she was poaching, from that prospective it makes perfect sense

Hmmm not sure what to make of this
Kind of sounds like dude is in a bad place and needs some help

Liking it so far, no belly laughs yet but plenty of snickers, hopefully it will gel further

indeed, it is the same vein …of crap
I still secretly hope a weekly dose of Spader can pull it out of the fire tho….

Wow, this is one of the rare times i completely concur with an AV club review and i mean word for word.
Kudos for that lol , and I love watching Spader do his thing so i really hope they can pull this show out of the muck

That evil smile when on the confession tape Jesse reveals Todd shot that kid in cold blood, holy fuck, that dude is one scary fucker…..

if narrative fiction rules hold true the man is dead
Gilligan is a gamer tho
we shall see

Holy Blue meth fuck

meh i enjoyed it
what only old catskill burnouts are allowed in the "esteemed" format or some shit?

R.I.P. Duck
Condolences to Sarah, I have been there many times ( massive dog lover )
glad his passing was so peaceful

there has been one reason and one reason only to watch in the last 3 seasons, i mean once we had naked lizzie caplan, that was the possibility however small that we might see debrah anne-woll nekkid, you know it i know it

…..or she plays out a run with oversized soda loving woman, that would kill me and most likely soda woman

i refuse to do podcasts behind paywalls
i will gladly pony up for older or special eps…. but fuck pardo for his model

down to earth and willing to engage, i enjoyed it more than most eps

seriously though, they would…where do you work a pimp factory?