
indeed , i thought that made that storyline even more interesting, as did the fact that the photos bore the same red circles and arrows as the Munn "proof" pics

Real RUSH fans?, try every rocker from Toronto (tonto's included)

heh , i was about to share my story about being behind Kim Mitchell and Geddy at the beerstore

Porkchop Sandwich

i hate to be the guy that says: "those dudes, played at my highschool" but i will and they did, and they made a gymnasium of permanent and loyal fans at the very least

They tried very very hard to make seyfried look like a ….. well linda lovelace
I will give them that
she is still spectacular to look at
the movie?
well i dunno i am sure Linda hat a shit life, not sure that sits squarely on the shoulders of "17 minutes as a porn star"
overall it is watchable but adds nothing new

I do not agree with captivity, I do understand our desire to see it though.

Hell Yes there is

sorry VoixOff i had to reply to your reply since i  flagged that demented post

what about Graig whatshisface from Red Dwarf, He is currently on Coronation Street, but he would have made an amusing fit i think

Anna Camp, that is all

agree with all of it except Dex stabbed the bf, not shot iirc

let us think about your anger towards somebody on the internet you don't know…..


the moral message?
you sir are a moron
carry on

i can feel your fake posturing from here

yes, and it most assuredly does

no punching for Cornell tho?
he is half the damn song whether dude is aware or not

repugnant message for fucks sake? who made you the morality police?
it's a god 'damn song song, not a how to

what in the holy fuck does your lil morality parable have to do with a song?
jesus christ people annoy me