
he was reffering to Temple Of The Dog tho, and yeah his voice can grate but cmon…hate?
dude is a fucking idiot

i just… arghhh
this pisses me off
dude ….arghhhhh

this feature just pisses me off, more often than not…

sadly i am sure you are correct hehe

well played sir

I will admit, it does feel like it's a tad 'declawed" I'm willing to see where it goes though, gutting the Meth plot would be a huge mistake IMHO, i hope they haven't, beyond Phil that is

as I remember it, you are correct, so i think this may be an interesting take on the character

while i concur, he sure can fuck up an ending, and fairly often… i disagree he has written some gems of late, in particular

same, an interesting variation possibly, i suppose we shall see

I thought the same "that looks rediculous" i said, heh. Still it was amusing

For a TV adaptation of a King novel, I was pleasantly surprised at how well it was done in terms of structure, characterization and overall storytelling.
sure it deviates from the book a bit, but so far it seems like positive changes.
I will be watching, and am eager to see how this turns out overall

ok, i see that point, thanks man

I dunno, it's a fucking pop song, and by a wide margin not the worst i have heard
Linda Perry is a talent, whether buddy likes Pink or not.

very glad you are enjoying it as much as the vast majority of posters here!

Julie Delpys Lipstick i felt the same "proto"

i dunno I kinda loved that music cue heh,although i suppose you are correct it was a tad overused

i dunno, as a Canadian, i recognize this as Toronto, always did,so many "Toronto" nods, at least to my eyes, and let us not forget "Scarberia" that cemented it for me

as much as i crush on Dushku, i fucking love that idea, Ms. Maslany would crush that role

oh and "bum muscles"
i nearly fainted

absolutely, Jeez
It is a bloody marvel to watch,I am excited and sad that the finale is tonight.