
Evil, i could not have said it better myself, hats off Ms. Maslany, hats off

while i surely see your point, i don't expect every joke to land 'for me'
while i understand the tedious angle i encourage you to watch a second run through, they hit harder

Bare with me
Upon SECOND viewing,the age and bizarre anomalies fade away (well besides what the lovely miss de rossi has done to her lips and that will fade), the plotting and structure come into their own,
it is brilliant, it is lovely , it is funny

Agreed , the show feels off and kinda sad , until the plots start to spin together, then it's a helluva lot of fun

while I appreciate the review I counter that "Anustart" made the revival worth it all on it's own

+1 x 1000

For a minute or two, I had a similar "tinfoil hat" moment , I was thinking perhaps the neolusionists fund the hospital or something similar and were on the look out for such anomalies,but I agree Mathilde's take on it seems very likely

agree totally. the first 3 I felt like "oh no the magic is gone" then the plots started to intertwine and i was laughing my ass off just like the good old days
11 eps in and I am more than pleased

Interesting take on it, I can definitely see that

I took the scene precisely the same way ( i was half expecting "Monkey" to have a tail lol)


godamn excellent catch! That always bugs the hell out of me on the various procedurals

Holy Shit
what a ride

Tatiana!…blah blah amazing…. blah blah holy shit that young lady is talented!

Haha! so bloody true, i have been hate watching Dexter for it's last few seasons just to marvel at their stupidity

this x 100
please tv god make it happen

I would say it's a dead heat, emphasis on heat

Yes indeed, so far the showrunners have done a remarkable job at keeping so many balls in the air. i trust there was solid reasoning behind the pace shifts in this ep

+1 on " first character death of consequence" for paul

now there is a reasonable and fun explanation!