
who is Meryl Strep? some sort of throat health advocate?

Maslany as Helena was fantastic,she seems soo off, yet oddly lovable, all the while being scary as fuck

Planet of the Apes, Dr. Strangelove, Wizard of Oz, The Raven (Lugosi)
i really enjoyed this article, kind of a self litmus test
EDIT: ooo and "M" can't forget that, want
to talk about "stranger danger"? that flick scared me but good, later i got a chance to reflect on just how well it was made

It was most definitely not "1 minute after"
we both know this, however your subsequent criticisms of the novel were valid and well thought out, you initial post was not, be careful when making assumptions regarding age or "what one can stand" as you are off base on both accounts. Your initial post (before the various

No good sir not hurt in the least, nor do i give a fuck what means what to you, I just find your habit of continually editing your post AFTER a reply (to put yourself in a better light) to be reprehensible.
I do appreciate that you put some thought into your criticism even if it was much later and after the fact.

well now isn't that a well thought out intelligent critique!
you sir have made me rethink both my opinion and my self worth, bravo

I'm late to this thread because honestly I was sort of "in shock".

is…is that a glitch in the tape??????

@buttermoths indeed it has flaws, i wasn't claiming it was the great american novel :), but i like yourself found it compelling enough to gobble down in one go

excellent book in fact IMHO

Now that is sad news, his legacy lives on though and i'm glad for all the wonder he provided me with his work when I was young

it made me uncomfortable too, however that golf club to the head?

indeed it is :)
i was born and raised in "Scarberia"
i live a lil farther out these days

hmm hadn't even considered that, but on this show you just never know…

I keep trying to recruit fans heh, but let's face it it sounds ridiculous when you try to explain it out loud lol

one hell of a lot?
personally i prefer Felix's gritty loft

No one mentioned Alison putting the comically small Hockey helmet on hubby before sliding him down the stairs.. laughed my ass off

I know! i truly feel invested in their relationship, yet another testament to Maslany's uncanny abilities heh

great catch!
i will let em get away with a lil creative geography tho, since the majority of the audience is undoubtedly totally unaware of "Scarberia"

And partly because as that character she is a dead ringer for my ex wife, when she was younger and long before i hated her with a passion that is scary :)