
i hear you , i feel odd repeating it over and over too lol, but think of it this way, "her performances are so far and away the most amazing depiction of several separate characters that I have ever seen in any series of any genre"

looked like a google maps clone to me, perhaps to remind him where in dreaded "scarberia" Alison lives

I'm with ya Evil Lincoln, he is just "too" innocent if ya get me

another great episode!
it moved so quickly my head was spinning, and managed to be damned funny too.
All this and god damned Max Headroom too

jesus once again the self righteous bash the comic

"dogging" i believe


yep i'd buy that for a dollar

it is indeed
forever burned into my brain in fact


Oh shit i forgot
4,) Degrassi !!!

1.) Big Boob Blowie
2.) No brit would ever say "get your fanny out of there" fanny means an entirely diff thing there
3.) maslany as soccer mom, jesus h those pants make me ….smile

in regards to the suspension of disbelief concerning the characters age
I agree it is a stretch and I am very willing to overlook it heh

very good point hehe

While I agree the accents are horrible,
I don't mind them in the least as they add just a tiny hint of camp to the show

Agree vigorously
She also has a "look" that isn't typical Hollywood  and in my book that is a plus

Good point
perhaps i just remember a long past time when you pretty much could walk into any govt building here

kinda like a literary "reverse cowgirl"?
I like it

re: Shelley (oh so 'clever' reference to Frankenstein?)
As i understood it, the father had the mad scientist use phosphor to some how revive the dead girl infant (how or why she was dead wasn't explained at least that i noticed) that is why her face glowed
and he called her glow worm

it's set in Trawna, I didn't even give that access a second thought eh