
Zosia Mamet


hope Ben isn't really gone

"Someday people will watch Lost in big chunks, not week-to-week, and I can promise you that those Lost fans
won’t be drumming their fingers when they get to “Ab Aeterno.” If
anything, they’ll appreciate the chance to catch their breath and get
their bearings in the middle of an intense, often confusing season."

Glad to see you mention Film sack , I have been listening since the beginning and love it. I had found it due to Johnson's gone but not forgotten gem of a podcast Extra Life Radio

Henry  ahhh but the difference is i actually do listen, so rather than
feeling qualified to make a douchey comment to make me feel cool.i
actually know what i am talking about

damn disqus

Jaunty, if you listened to a few of his podcasts you would know he is not entirely comfortable with that mantle, i seriously don't think he co-opted anything

Holy fuck.what's with all the hardwick hate?
i enjoy lots of the podcasts he produces , the indoor kids. making it, you made it weird etc.
this smacks of a knee jerk backlash

you sir are wrong, since it is subjective i suppose there is no point getting all internet and calling you names though

FUCK i love this album (yes i said album) with every fuckin tasty bit of my youth

whilst i totally understand the the point of this article
I must say that binging on unseen shows has become a fucking pastime for me
and i love it hours upon hrs of watching a show develope and mature
and until they pry nntp from my dead cold hands it will be my addiction

Meadow Enthusiast
Merci Bien!

Holy fuck
this dude still makes me laugh harder than anything else on the planet
and nice gesture dedicating the show to Patrice

As i said before, as long as this show shows me me the "young maid" ass up i'm in

where to start, hits every trope, every stereotype and hits them hard
more like a hallmark "remembering racism" special presentation

i believe they were more worried about the yard etc being dug up (thus releasing the no doubt dozens of corpses) than the actual house being razed.

I don't mind the leveling system at all, much better than Oblivion for sure

I don't find it faster at all, in most cases it requires extra steps to achieve what you want or where you want to go within the interface.I can see how it would be fine on a console….hint hint