
Bloody Fantastic game! I must say I detest the "streamlined" UI but meh, more than enough content to balance that out, cya in about 3 months…..

She is in fact a Godess

Good news love this toon

he watched a walkthrough?

pardon me…sounds like you already have

people play TF2 for the HATS!

well i am
not sure if that was directed at me though
since disqus sucks shit as far as threading goes

Ok this is the funniest damn thread i have read here in a while

ok, this is getting FAR TOO AMUSING
kid, quit while you are …..well not ahead, but not totally embarrassed

you do realize that pulling facts out of your ass would be a bad thing right?
kinda exactly what you accuse Scott of

he states his opinions and why he has them, what more do you need? a CAT scan?  he doesn't like the game as much as he hoped to

i regard metacritic as a hack site based on their ridiculous grading formula

you are not the Ron Hubbard of digital entertainment

every evangelist ever disagrees

i will now come to you personally for anything that requires credibility, not just video games I MEAN EVERYTHING, since you know, you are so credible and all

great now i'm scared, oh wait not really heh

a not even a sentence post, fool you are fishing for replies!!!

there will be zero "repercussions" here, this is a site for adults that enjoy opinion and discussion, not a game review site

you watched a walkthrough?

and i have never heard of you,and i'm glad the chances of me ever seeing you comment again are slim