foolish human

It's also on YouTube (again?) if you search for 'bill o'reilly inside edition'.

Methinks Jorge was going the sarcasm route.

I hope you're wrong, Pig. As someone inside the 18-25 demographic, it disturbs me to think my peers actually demonstrated to researchers that they are the target demographic for MTV's drivel. I mean, I kind of already knew, anecdotally, but…I still had hope.

Tori, you spelled 'and' correctly. Ha ha ha.

What? No love for 'Bicycle Race'? C'mon, children, that song is excellent.

Ahhh…I am not alone! I was wondering why the servers were all of a sudden in the middle of the Atlantic (apparently).

Oh, good job, self, double posts are classy.

I read The Hater to learn everything I know about pop culture. I thought it really was P'Fict'n; people laughed at me. The world is so awesome.

I read The Hater to learn everything I know about pop culture. I thought it really was P'Fict'n; people laughed at me. The world is so awesome.