
Hey NBC, listen to the American people. WE DEMAND BITCH HUNTER!!!


At least she sang…I am looking at you, Alicia Keyes.

Thanks Puzz, I was like WTF Ryan??? Besides, when was the last time you saw Ryan with a chick?

Speaking of Electric Youth
When I was in Jr. High, there was this girl named Liza, who liked eating Electric Youth perfume. She would spray it directly in her mouth, like it was breath freshner. All I thought to myself was "Why?"

Why didn't they just tie his hand down? I know they have handcuffed many patients to the hospital bed before. Stupid House.
Also, why the hell are they sending House to scary "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" mental hospital. Shouldn't he be in nice, comfy rehab w/ lots of psychological counseling?

Kelly Rowland is so full of shit.
Kelly Rowland said she wouldn't wear the majority of that crap. However, she did wear all those hideous outfits Beyonce's mom made and I am sure she didn't complain once.
Also, Kelly and Isaac bitchy comments were so not necessary. I think the designers should say "If you aren't going

Penn, you are obviously a student or self-employed. No company is going to spend extra money on a new chair. Someone in my husband's office had to be terminated in order for him to get a new chair. He was very excited about it. God, being an engineer is boring.

I enjoyed Meredith's vag. I think there should be more of it in coming episodes. Firecrotch 2009!

I watched Mythbusters. Then FF'ed through AI to see Matt get booted. From reading, it looks like I didn't miss anything.
Seriously, 30 minutes is all you need for a results show.

I want a black friend! I would advertise for one on Craigslist, but cracker med students be killin' everyone on there lately.
Also, the Soloist sounds too Rain Manish for me.

Mystery Mentor
First, when I heard the theme, I thought the mentor would be Brian Setzer…then Rod Stewart (I have really no idea why I thought that). Then I saw it was Jamie Foxx and I thought "Ohh…It's Wanda!" Then I spent about 5 min. trying to figure out what Ray Charles had to do with the Rat Pack. Then I stopped

Which one of you has the Monster Torgo thighs?

No, I think Japan has Hello Kitty themed weddings. "Then I saw her, she was so cute and she was a mute. Just like Hello Kitty." "That was then I knew she was special."
All the wedding pictures have smiling Asians throwing up peace symbols.

I'm thinking they both go this week. Lil is just dumb. Yeah that was a Chaka Khan song, but seriously Whitney Houston covered it already and all anyone remembers is the Whitney version. Therefore, she once again sounded like Karaoke. Sigh..
I'm o.k. with Anoop. He's just not as good as most everyone else.
I still don't

Morgan is going to Hawaii, Tang is in Hawaii
Harry Tang! Does anyone remember season 1? My prediction (if there is another season) is that Morgan, failing at his Benihana dream, gets a job at Hawaii's Buy More with Harry Tang as manager. He soon realizes he can't take it and moves back to Burbank. C.S. Lee will have

One word: OCTOMOM

Yes, because Fantasia "functionally illiterate" Barrino and Kellie "Is France a country?" Pickler were such rocket scientists. Reality TV has proved over and over that you don't have to be smart. If you wanna be really horrified by reality TV, might I suggest VH1 or the E! channel.

I say Allison sings Blondie…

Inglourious Basterds
I liked the fact that Ryan couldn't mention the name of the war movie Quentin was shooting. What the hell? So much for plugging…