I effing LOVE this series. I started reading it about the same time that I caught up on Saga, and these two books cemented for me just how amazing Image's creator-owned approach can be. (Morning Glories is, of course, the glaring exception….)
I effing LOVE this series. I started reading it about the same time that I caught up on Saga, and these two books cemented for me just how amazing Image's creator-owned approach can be. (Morning Glories is, of course, the glaring exception….)
Yay, I love story time!
F is for "Fantastic"
I am speaking, of course, of this (and all other) Heroes reviews. Glad to see you ended the season with a bang, Steve!
I did, and I concur—it blows. I mean, the Japanese itself is right, but it's nigh-incomprehensible (though of course one of the Japanese guys who actually speaks the lingo compliments him on how good he is). Doesn't anyone use accent coaches anymore?
Wow, the Weather Channel is really going through a flurry of changes.