Leroy sans Skillet

Danny Vermin?

Fuck you, Ferris.

This is dope, Nabin! I'm buying this joint as soon as I get me a jobby job.

ET is right.

Jason Takes Manhattan is the one that fucking blows. I found nothing redeeming about it. In fact I barely remember it. What a dull, dull film.


True Story
I bought tickets to a Dee Dee show in SF but he died two weeks(?) before the show date. Junkie dick! I didn't get a refund either.

Holy shit! I love Saint Jack! I had no idea such a book existed. You've made my day, Mayday.

I think we're safe. Frat boys don't have any rooting interest in Dee Dee Ramone.

That movie is incredible! Doesn't the fake Bruce Lee fly off into the sky at the end of the movie? Wasn't there also a Wizard of Oz rip off in there somewhere?

Modell Goes Modal

I heart Kyle. He is wise in the ways of the world. I am super psyched to read his take on Californian culture. Talk about a fish out of water! Yuk yuk. He's going to give 'em what for I can assure you of that.

Kyle is our leader, now.

Y'all got Crustafied Dibs first tape?

Come on Baltimoreans
Standard Carpet the quality carpet people!

Medved's Golden Turkey books (along with Danny Peary's Cult Movie books) hipped me to many strange films in the dark, pre-internet days of my youth. Even if his write ups were frustratingly wrong headed, dismissive and pompous, the books did shine a light on what might have otherwise become "forgotten films".

Methinks you didn't truly comprehend this review.

For reals, excellent work, Rabin. I appreciate that you give these character acting folks some shine. This is my favorite feature that you guys run. Y'all need to drop a Random Rules book on the masses sometime soonish.

They are on DVD but you have to order them directly through Russ Meyer Films or whatever the fuck his evil handlers call that shit now. If you are fortunate enough to live in a large coastal city you can most likely find copies of the RM classics. Shit, Chicago has to have a decent DVD retailer around there somewhere.

mbs! Here you go again, slightly dismissing Janey. What's the issue, homey?