
I just hate seeing spoilers before seeing the season.

Should I watch Arrow tomorrow to complete the crossover even though I'm only on Season 3?

Bruce and Alfred continues to be the best thing the show has produced. I did enjoy watching the madness that is Barbara this episode.

They can advance plot like a 200 mph train whenever they want on this show. This didn't change anything.

This is all too true.

Minor character? Morgan plays an important role in the story of Rick, and Rick's psyche. Every Morgan episode is brilliant, the despair and tone of this episode made it an all around winner.

This was a fantastic episode. Brilliant, actually. I would go as far to say that this is the best piece of TV I've seen all year.

I agree 100%.

Just watched this episode. HILARIOUS!!!

This is soo great.

I loved the Lost finale.

How long before Major learns about Liv for reals?

The Flash has been great so far, and the last 5 episodes look AMAZING!!

What the heck type of game is Will playing? He's just floating for a friend it seems. He and Sierra could have changed the game by blindsiding BC alliance by voting out Dan. I really hope this season doesn't become a predictable BC slaughter that it appears right now.

WHY SIERRA, WHY? She knows that once it's down to the Blue Collar boys, she's done right?