Joe Blevins

Yahoo Screen sucks as a video streaming site. I kept wishing Community eps had been posted directly to YT. But, for some reason, Yahoo Screen has tons of SNL content that other sites don't have, so I do use it for that. If those clips were on SNL's official YT channel, I never would.

Re: Ladykillers

UPDATE: To give this guy his due, I decided to go listen to some of his music to see if it, you know, cures cancer or anything. It's pretty much what you'd expect: by-the-numbers punk with growly vocals (which really get to be a drag after a few songs) and very self-consciously obnoxious lyrics. Imagine if Dr. Teeth

Though I'm no fan of "Piano Man" (to put it mildly), this guy is so boorish, arrogant, and unfunny that he almost makes me wish I liked that song, just to spite him. The downside of HateSong is that it's weirdly self-congratulatory, with the interview subjects desperately straining to show how cool they are… even

Never thought I'd see a week when David Spade got a better review from the AVC than either Marc Maron or the Sklar Brothers. Funny old world, isn't it?

Thirteen episodes of "Moment of Truth"
So 13 more episodes of "Moment of Truth." Let's see, that adds up to maybe 7 questions being asked altogether.