
Anybody else see the line on the announcement poster about 'put the lotion in the basket' and immediately start hoping that its a hint that Netflix is working on taking Hannibal off of NBC's hands and onto Netflix where it may live for as many seasons as Bryan Fuller has in mind? Too early to get that rumor mill

Hey, the more stuff failing on NBC the better shot Community has at renewal due to a complete dearth of anything else to put on the schedule right? Right…?

My initial reaction after Juliet coming in second was feeling awful for her. I read into her history a little bit after the season got rolling and man does she seem to have terrible luck (signed with Epic right before the payola scandal lost all touring and promotional support then cut right before their first

Why? Because she still put out a killer solo performance, without the benefit of any rehearsals and a cold? (I will give you Jamar was awesome too)

Maybe an even simpler solution might be to just dissolve the teams once they are down to 8 but still allow the coaches to divvy out points and then just set the top 4 after compiling audience and coach votes together. 
For example in this scenario if Cee-Lo had split his points 50-50 Juliet and Jamar would both have

Will be real interesting to see tonight how much sales actually translate into overall success on this show. Juliet is currently at #7 overall on iTunes right now (Lindsey is second at #18) along with 1,3 and 4 on the rock chart and even 1 and 4 on the canadian rock chat (I know it doesn't count).

Anybody else think song purchases should count for 10 votes a pop? Seeing as the point of this show is to sign a recording artist it seems like the most significant sign of potential future success and who's going to buy the same song more than once?