My Ass is on Fire

Don't forget Johnny Chase and Andrew Dice Clay as Queens' Tough Guys #1 and #2

Haha I definitely laughed the hardest at that. I wonder if that landed him Ted

Horny Manatee!

Thom Yorke was a Buckley fan and he recorded the vocals to Fake Plastic Trees after going to a Buckley gig and broke down and cried after a couple of takes. Jeff Buckley might have been a handsome crooner but he was not some shallow coffee shop bro winking at chicks while belting out in falsetto. Guy had an amazing

Thank you for sharing that Bono cover of Hallelujah. Hadn't heard it before and haven't laughed that hard in a while

It's an honor to win any Olympic medal. US men's hockey were probably too busy nursing their shattered egos after the loss to Canada they forgot to show up for the bronze game and won't be bringing anything back now

Here are some of the Canadian players left off the squad not due to injury: Claude Giroux, Brent Seabrook, Tyler Seguin, Joe Thornton, Patrick Sharp. The Canadians could field a silver or bronze medal team in addition to their Gold medal winner.

Definitely the US women's chokejob. Losing a game when you're up two goals with less than five minutes has to be tough. This Canadian Men's team had a blue line that will probably go down as one of the best defenses ever assembled so it's not too surprising to see the US men lose. However they put on an

I think Bark Psychosis (great band) was the first band to be called "post rock" in official press.