Haha, might as well nominate the entire Led Zeppelin discography. But if we're being specific, 10 Years Gone.
Haha, might as well nominate the entire Led Zeppelin discography. But if we're being specific, 10 Years Gone.
Second verse of Clint Eastwood?
Their debut album is just killer riff after killer riff.
You realize that just means Sean adds your name to his kill list.
Wadding creates more padding and surface area, allowing for a more vigorous wipe.
I have no logical counterarguments to this, except that I find Arby's delicious.
GREAT fucking game. I was literally indestructible as Boba Fett.
Why are they fighting anyway?
Mans of Steel
Avenge me!: Get 6 replies from Avenged 7Fold Fan.
If I start making the J/O gesture, will XBox automatically throw some porn on the TV?
Ed Harris is a badass motherfucker, he can handle it.
Oh none of us shall be saved
Every man will be a SLAAAAAAVE
Are there rumblings down in the cave?
Nah, no worries, you had "once" in there, so we'll allow it.
Hey, The Grey is pretty fuckin' sweet.
A Death Wish remake starring Liam Neeson would win an Oscar in my heart.
Sure, make mine a scotch you raving, scabrous piece of rotting excrement.
Because Uselessbeauty needed some inane firstie.