Robo Redneck

I've driven through Kansas multiple times, and the billboards only feature ads for porn superstores or Jesus.  It's so weird.

But why was I programmed to feel PAAAIIINNN?!?!?

Yeah, this whole affair is the very definition of "weak shit".



I mean, you aren't wrong.  Reign of Terror didn't sound a whole lot different, but I dunno, it just wasn't as catchy.  I'm never really able to articulate why a song or an album hits the sweet spot for me or not, but Treats hit it while RoT did not.

Haven't listened to this, but I'm looking forward to it.  Treats is fucking awesome, and if this is a return to that kind of sound, then I'm sold.


Yeah Side Effects, yeah.

I'm not sure I buy that…wasn't the purpose of the whole scene for Walt to realize he couldn't keep Holly?  What would change his mind other than the baby saying "mama"?

Alright, my next shot is from behind the three point line, and you have to shoot opposite handed.

Do birds even have a sense of smell?  Or is the name about the smell of birds?

I just re-watched that movie and was wondering about the cut hand.  I can't believe it was unintentional and he just went with it; that's crazy.

So, in other words, we are awesome.

Seriously, did @avclub-ca4fc44a59d0201cc7d4f760153cb00c:disqus  just say that without a shred of proof or is that actually a thing?

Oh man, this looks bad.  Like, Van Helsing bad.

Looks pretty cool!

Haha, I like how that's the only part of LWS that people have seen, the Previously On.

Oh, fuck yeah Otis Day.  That looked like SO MUCH FUN.

How about that opening concert on their home planet?  EVERYONE was in on it.