Robo Redneck

Derek, it's only a trailer…

He hammed it up plenty in Dodgeball, but I thought it was great.

When historians look back on the comments of @avclub-011d0b4fe6835bb3d37ef4e0ea713de6:disqus , they will wonder why he was so shunned in his own time.

It's gotta be someone bigger.  Like, Idris Elba sized (I think he's white in the book, but whatever).

I can stand All-star; I understand why people hate it, but it's a fun, catchy tune.

I love the Star Spangled Banner. Nothing beats a kick-ass war song about defending the flag no matter what.

Girl With the Dragon Tattoo did this, and it made money.

aaaand there it is!

Spike Lee kicks ass and the story is cool.  I fully expect it to be awesome.

It's addressed in the books.  Zingers ensue.

Me too.  Interesting characters, the plot moved at a crisp pace, and holy fuck was Butler a fucking bad ass.  I will see this.

@avclub-f4c2cb0e50e462887932454fb8199b83:disqus That is hilarious.  It's almost poetic.

so basically an eternity.

Any juicy Breaking Bad inside info?  I don't have Sundance channel but I'd love to hear what Gilligan and the writers had to say.

*Looks around nervously for bullies*

Yeah, The Wolverine's promotional stuff is really cool.  It's a minor comfort to see cool things on bus stop windows instead of, say, the Smurfs.

Ugh.  And imagine trying to get downtown after work for a movie?  It would take two hours at least.  Downtown is like a fucking impregnable fortress.

If a stranger tried to talk to me while waiting for a movie to begin I would be supremely uncomfortable.  And I'll be damned if I'm going to watch trailers for Falling Skies when I could be catching up on my Twitter feed.

*Flying dragon kicks old grandma*

Fuck Puig.