
Fair enough.

You can hear his jowls shake as he says it.

You are a genius.

I literally quit my job because of that movie. We'd had a "first ask yourself, 'Is it good for the company?'" staff meeting right before I saw it.

When he's not "enlightening" us about things every sane man, woman and child knows (like—"Trump's bad"), he usually does.


You're right. And no one here recognizes it. So we must keep sending that message! :) (FYI, for all my sarcasm and hatred of the Trump pieces, I hate Trump, too.)

I am ashamed of myself!

Hello to you, too. Of course it rocks you. She really scandalizes the South, and we realize in the final shot that she'll have to pay for it with her life. And her bad-assed self says "Bring it."

Again, circular logic, "Anyone who doesn't believe in systematic racism and sexism is a white bigot. Person X doesn't believe in systematic racism. Ergo, Person X is a white bigot."

Count the number of columns that have been cut to those "kept alive."

Seriously, this is such bullshit. You've now combined confirmation bias with circular logic.

I love them both.

Whitney claimed that loving yourself is the greatest love of all. And considering all the designer vibrators found in her home after her death, damn if she didn't mean it.

I think "I remember my body. Flabby, pasty skin, riddled with phlebitis" is even better, particularly his reading of the "riddled" and "phlebitus."

Office Space.

Books aren't banned, society just increasingly shuns those who read them. Though Barnes and Noble might be a government conspiracy to destroy all other booksellers and then shut down, cutting off all supplies. Thank God for Amazon.

You left out the "la la la"s.

There is not one boring moment in the entire film. It is consistently jaw-droppingly beautiful and emotionally resonant. In all versions.

O'Neal nailed it.