
It made $370m worldwide on a reported budget of $130m.

Our awards, our language, our pronunciation.

Having seen the Misfits finale, I can tell you that it is in no way a christmas episode.

Wouldn't "backwards in reverse order" be normal forwards order?

No wonder it sucked. It was a Britta episode.

Way to pull an Abed.

insert angry comment about this being on instead of Community

What, no Cabin in the Woods?

Am I the only one who understood Bane just fine?

Yep, already been picked up. It is a very big hit for E4 so you don't have to worry about it.

I advise everyone watching at US pace to AVOID SPOILERS LIKE THE PLAGUE. Seriously, there is some stuff coming that you DO NOT want to be spoiled on.

"It’s pretty much everything I ever wanted to write about as a television reviewer. I’m almost scared that I’m going to mess it up."
THANK YOU! All the UK reviews for that episode thought it was below average, but I really loved it.

Despite what everyone else on the AV Club seems to think, he can be very funny when he wants to be. Having said that, he hasn't been funny in anything he's done since he moved to America.

Each of his characters are less funny than the last. Ali G > Borat > Bruno > whatever this guy is called.
The race did make me laugh though.

"a drama can coast on one-dimensional characters if the premise is interesting enough."
Couldn't disagree more. If I don't care about the characters, I don't care.

Tomorrow… The Simpsons?

Anyone notice that the annoying kid was eating a sandwich?

@avclub-100fc9da60f9ae9d6488451decdc0742:disqus For what it's worth, I'm a man who loved this episode.

This may be the greatest idea ever. We may have to get Up All Night cancelled first, but this has to happen.