Deadly Bees

I don't care what you think
Batman's a fugitive at the end of The Dark Knight. So Deathstroke decides to collect him and deliver him to Gordon. Deathstroke's daughter Rose falls in love with Bruce Wayne and learns that he is Batman. A member of the rogue's gallery like Killer Croc kidnaps and kills Rose leading to

Come to think of it…
I wouldn't want to live in the US right now either. So I don't think they're all that sick. Good job, teabaggers.

I think Einstein predicted it…
The closer they get to total media saturation, the larger the phenomena grows, until it encompasses the entire universe. But theoretically it can never achieve total media saturation. So we're safe for now, I think.

Valentine's Day
If critic goons like the Onion AVC like it, I generally avoid it (there are rare exceptions). The higher the Pitchfork rating, the higher the likelihood it's a pretentious piece of incomprehensible indie pablum. All music critics can go royally fuck themselves, you aren't necessary to the successful

What a load of horseshite
3-D really is anyway. Just a gimmick to get the rubes into the movie house. If you want three dimensions, go see a vaudevillian revue. Also, Rock Band and Guitar Hero are just a ruse to get the young ones to pay for music again. Daggnabit.

I'm not being ironic, sarcastic and cynical here, and no childish cultural references. I sincerely hope he gets better, the world needs him.

movies about 80's NES games
Mega Man
Legend of Zelda
reboot of Super Mario Bros.

Who's Adam Scott?
This is the first I've heard of him.

The Smurfs are such a sausage fest, and quite misogynist (I mean there's only one chick Smurf, and since every Smurf has a trait that defines him, Smurfette is apparently the transgendered one.) Also, I can't stand the idea that there will probably be more adults than children looking forward to this movie. Smurf

think about this for a second…
This should be about music/TV/movies/literature that did not change over a length of time despite having all the time and resources to do so. Pretty much all the examples by the AV Club apply (X-Files, Simpsons, Eminem, Weezer, etc.) but U2 does not. Jaded geeks like those who post