Khanthrok Bonechewer

Yeah, you're right. I stand corrected.

I once was in a bad place and a bald man helped me.

Nah, there was only one Voyager episode with the Ferengi - 'False Profits' - and there was no Barclay in it. You are correct in that it sucked.

I'm not sure that I've ever seen this gimmick poster before, but I absolutely love the shtick. Good job, Wesley Willis Fiasco!

Yeah, battlemechs went out of military service well after the Crimean War. Please fact-check next time.

I think there's something missing in your post, Zack. Can you please clarify your point?

I would love to see a version of Star Trek: Insurrection where Picard faces off against Sisko.

To rehash a question I had on the first page: then why didn't the frakkin' Nexus show them commanding a damned starship? They could have used a plot device like Echo Guinan to advise the captains that they're in the Nexus, or have them figure it out when they ran into each other, Sixth Sense style, or something like

I think the most inadvertently funny Voyager episode is the Season 5 cliffhanger 'Equinox', where the crew of the Voyager run into a Federation vessel ship that's actually undergoing the promised premise of the series: stranded in the Delta quadrant with diminishing resources and having to make a series of moral

When I went to Star Trek: the Experience, my buddy and I hit the backstage tour. They advised us that the actors and actresses were made to watch every episode of the entire franchise. They then came up with the characters themselves. I don't know whether to pity them or be jealous of them. No wait, I do. The

I don't think this has ever been mentioned before, but considering that in the series Picard's discomfort with kids was broadcast from the VERY FIRST EPISODE, isn't it great that in his 'perfect fantasy' he's surrounded by kids?

I like the theme of time and coming to peace with your fate too. Especially when it was done in Star Trek I. And Star Trek II. And Star Trek VI.

Re: Trek: The Experience.

I didn't mean to imply that the Nexus is sentient. It could be entirely powered by physical principles. The point is, that it did not show Picard his fantasy. It showed Picard something that he grew sick of practically instantly. Some paradise.

Ideal TNG Movie
I doubt I'm going to get much responses here on a 2nd page comment, but what's the TNG movie that we should have gotten?

Heck, I think you could do worse than the Nexus. Remember those two guys in the original series who are going to fight each other for eternity? I just kind of wish that you didn't realize where you are so fast…

Hmmm… I found the Enterprise crashing to be cheap, and too reminiscent of Star Trek III. Star Trek III isn't a great film, but it had a great 'end of the Enterprise' sequence. Again, it seemed to me to be mostly just a reminder that you're watching a movie.

Well, Bad Horse, I guess I kind of wanted to see a movie in which Janeway was brought up before a Starfleet review board for reckless endangerment, violation of the temporal prime directive, and conduct unbecoming of an officer, and the Maquis all went to prison for high treason. Does that count?

Maybe if Dowd sets up a puppet commenter to agree with him…?

The fact is, that we were used to seeing the Enterprise a certain way, and changing it for a story that theoretically takes place a couple months after 'All Good Things…' made for a strange, distracting change. It wasn't like ST:TMP, which took place literally years after the show ended, and it was logical that the