Kyle Mayhugh

I chuckled at the Chewbacca gag. Although I didn't have enough Star Wars knowledge to realize they botched it because he's not a bounty hunter, which is a bit disappointing.

I'm surprised it was only 6. It definitely felt like there was a ton missing.

See, Annie and the Dean have in the past had crushes on Jeff not that far underneath surface. And the joke references that. It's a reference. References are cool. Don't you like references?

In your minds, you should all read that post in Abed's voice. It really works.

The fact that it's in-character for Jeff to do a really bad job with such a daydream is a really good reason not to write an episode around Jeff having such a daydream.

I'm glad there are people who are better writers than I am to be able to put into words why and to what degree that episode was so awful. I wish it had never happened.

I see why you don't like it. To me, it's just a funny counterpoint to how unrelentingly nice they all are to literally everything else. It's like they need some outlet to unleash their darker sides on, and Jerry is that scapegoat.

I see what the author of the piece is going for, but it just doesn't resonate with me.

This show is so awesome that I'm forced to grade it on a much tougher standard and nitpick all the things I didn't like. I keep finding myself mentally making comparisons to shows like Mad Men, which is simultaneously a huge compliment to The Americans and also shows where it comes up short.