
@avclub-ae4e54badbfda78b679ee94b275acc8d:disqus : You can use a character well without giving them their own subplot in an issue. There are several large group scenes in the book, and the plot spans multiple planets across it's 60-some-odd pages, so a lot of people happen to be pictured.

@avclub-ae4e54badbfda78b679ee94b275acc8d:disqus : Pardon? Are you talking about Manifold or Ex Nihilo? Either way, plenty of people "remember [they] exist", so I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
@avclub-f73c955e2c1f51451a682f5c1ce0e867:disqus : Without getting into spoiler territory, there's a good chance that

Hell, I'll write that article.

(Note: I seriously did not realize you were the author of the original article till after I clicked reply; I'm not trying to pick on you here.)

What a shame. I really enjoyed this series. The last few episodes have been hilarious; even my younger siblings like the show, and we generally have very different taste in television.

As one of the lucky few who got the chance to see a screening of the Fox pilot(NYCC2011), I'm happy they're going the movie route, and I'm also happy that the producers are staying on with the project.

Utopia is fantastic, and you're absolutely right: the "conspiracy" is brilliant.

Or possibly a young Ronald Reagan.

S.W.O.R.D. might be X-Men/Mutant adjacent enough that Marvel can't use it in the movies.

What a fantastic article; thanks for putting so much work into it, Todd.

"It took 6 months of R&D and about 6.4 million dollars in prototypes to make my armor be able to get into this pose, but it was totally worth it."

I could see him as Bug actually, or maybe even Jack Flag(two other Guardians that likely wont be in this movie).

The idea of Daryl being named Dylan delights me to no end.

I've only seen bits and pieces of the show(which I found amusing and enjoyable, just not enough to add it to my ever growing queue of must watch shows)

I've only seen bits and pieces of the show(which I found amusing and enjoyable, just not enough to add it to my ever growing queue of must watch shows)

Let's not forget Axe Cop on Fox!

Let's not forget Axe Cop on Fox!

The Boxcar was moved to the backyard as a sort of clubhouse/detective headquarters and was the setting for many scenes as the series went along. (I spent many MANY hours of my childhood reading that series).

The Boxcar was moved to the backyard as a sort of clubhouse/detective headquarters and was the setting for many scenes as the series went along. (I spent many MANY hours of my childhood reading that series).

I know I'll probably come off as a self-important idiot by posting this comment, but it means a lot to me, so I'll risk it: