RL Dookiefuck

Fuck off

"Google+ Usage" is a number that isn't zero. Pretty sure this is an April Fools hoax.

Because I haven't had to worry about having "a good internet connection" in like 10 years.

Fuck Chris Brown.

American History X seems downright quaint and naive here in 2017

The article specifically mentions that the snakes used by this butcher are wild-caught, not sourced from a breeder.

How do you have so many upvotes for such an idiotic statement? No less plentiful? There are 19 BILLION chickens in the world, and growing.

Pancakes, Divorce, Pancakes is San Junipero-tier television.

I love Over the Garden Wall, but it's definitely not for Springtime viewing. Late September at the absolute earliest, but preferably watch it in October. Make a tradition out of it.

Oh hey cool I clicked on this thinking it was the recap for season 1 episode 10, just like it's classified, and instead I get spoiled on the season 2 finale! Great Job AV Club!

There was a lot to like about Kroll Show, but every episode with Steve/Tim was a precious gift.

The Life and Times of Tim is the best show HBO has ever made, by a wide margin. HBO GO/NOW can fuck right off for not having it in their streaming library.


Not even the funniest Monster Factory! Final Pam uber alles!


Glass Shark is gonna git u

That movie had the most incredible ending sequence I've ever seen.

I was in middle school in OKC on that day, and my whole classroom heard the blast and felt the shockwave. Even being so close, we didn't really get to know what happened until we went home in the afternoon.

When games do this to me, messing with the V-Sync and FOV usually alleviates it.

It's pretty sad when Arnold fucking Schwartzenegger upstages you in looking like a reasonable adult.