RL Dookiefuck

Vocals remind me of Helmet, I dig it

This is what the last Baroness album should have sounded like, instead of buttrock.

I really want the next season of Burning Love to be this show, starring Rob Huebel's prince character.

There's plenty of actually good writers and artists who are making actually good things in comics. Mark Millar is not one of them.

Yeah weird for weirds sake is just tedious. I agree with the pokemon dick nose.

The goo-zombies are making a comeback.

Right? Bring back our column!

I must be in Opposite World, because every time a character physically interacted with the china doll, it looked unbelievably bad. To be fair, I think this was more the fault of the actors not knowing how to mime well enough to sell the interaction and not necessarily the bad CGI. She was completely weightless.

yeah bro, total bitch move

You mean like that episode where Louie goes to the south and a weird redneck tries to kill him?

You haven't heard of Mastodon, POS, Wye Oak, Steve Albini, Superchunk, The Mountain Goats, or Sleep?

Line of the episode: "Can you hack a computer tablet to run a power point presentation??"

Probably because instead of being one good film it was actually six terrible films.

Probably because instead of being one good film it was actually six terrible films.

Biggest Disappointment: Baroness and Witchcraft (tied)

Biggest Disappointment: Baroness and Witchcraft (tied)

I'll go ahead and make my list, which no one will read or care about

I'll go ahead and make my list, which no one will read or care about

If Pallbearer doesn't make the list I am coming over and burning the AV Clubhouse down.

If Pallbearer doesn't make the list I am coming over and burning the AV Clubhouse down.