RL Dookiefuck

This movie is a 3 hour advertisement for Big Larry's Discount Wigs.

This movie is a 3 hour advertisement for Big Larry's Discount Wigs.

His biggest part in the movie is as an American, which is almost as distracting as when the asian girl says "AND DON'T CALL ME A WETBACK!"

His biggest part in the movie is as an American, which is almost as distracting as when the asian girl says "AND DON'T CALL ME A WETBACK!"

Yeah the green screen was pretty jarring. What was up with that?

Yeah the green screen was pretty jarring. What was up with that?

It was no Bobbum Man, for gweat gwief

It was no Bobbum Man, for gweat gwief

Jake has a dad. It's Dad.

Jake has a dad. It's Dad.

Except the future bad guys have no problem straight up murdering Old Joe's wife.

Except the future bad guys have no problem straight up murdering Old Joe's wife.

I was pretty sure they were going to reveal that Abe was the kid Joe almost hits with his car while stoned.

I was pretty sure they were going to reveal that Abe was the kid Joe almost hits with his car while stoned.

Yeah don't get me wrong, I'm one of those Sword fans myself, it's just heartbreaking seeing Witchcraft abandon the great sound that they had.

Yeah don't get me wrong, I'm one of those Sword fans myself, it's just heartbreaking seeing Witchcraft abandon the great sound that they had.

It's terrible. They've abandoned their folky/proto-metal sound for what sounds like a desperate attempt to snag Sword fans.

It's terrible. They've abandoned their folky/proto-metal sound for what sounds like a desperate attempt to snag Sword fans.

Fuck yeah Eagle Twin!

Fuck yeah Eagle Twin!