
Fuck, you're right. I never thought about that.

Why the hell is your OP in moderation? We have trolling flaggers now, I guess.

Well… webcams have a particular set of functions that makes them very useful to the computer user. The Kinect, outside of Just Dance, doesn't. And it is going to be used as a source of information for advertisers, which, ugh…

Eh, it took me quite a while to get XBMC set up, I'll admit, which is true of any open source product like that. But now that it's running, it's essentially flawless, and vastly better than any commercial alternative. My kids and my technophobic wife can use it, it looks amazing, and it accesses everything I want it

Hi Karla!


Shit, Abiodun Oyewole and Umar Bin Hassan would like a word too.

Ugh. Hadn't read it, but… ugh.

Actually now that I think about it I'd like to rescind something I said on the PS4 review (I think). I said (approximately) that I wanted something good at video games, not a swiss army knife that tweets and games and social interacts and so forth. But actually, I DO want a swiss army knife. I want something that can

The forefather of "conscious rap", eh?

Not much point in reviewing the "gaming experience" separately from the actual games (which mostly have their own reviews, or at least hopefully they will once the Gameological part of the site gets re-integrated?).


Whoever wrote this is obviously a…

The fuck downvotes that?


If you don't mind it being post-mortem this is surprisingly easy to accomplish. At your local supermarket, even, although you have to be able to outrun the security cards who can't handle an honest expression of interspecies love.

Don't be silly. They were taller than humans.

Uh… no. She's pretty much ONLY known in gender/race studies circles. Which is perhaps not part of the patriarchy, but tends to be pretty damn white.

I was looking for someone talking about Saul as well. He's probably the closest thing to a traditional P.I. around right now, although he's probably not very well known outside of Canada - Voltaire's Bastards made a bit of a splash back in the day but not since then.

Really? I haven't seen anyone saying that.