
Oh why Paul Schneider? WHY?

Oh why Paul Schneider? WHY?

Gah, Olivia Munn is the worst! She's on her 14th minute right?

Gah, Olivia Munn is the worst! She's on her 14th minute right?

Was it me or did NBC pull a 180 on showcasing Phelps? Last time, and even in the run up to the games, it was "yay Phelps! Greatest Olympian ever!!"  Now it's "Old man Phelps! We're surprised that he's even in these games. Yay Lochte!".

Was it me or did NBC pull a 180 on showcasing Phelps? Last time, and even in the run up to the games, it was "yay Phelps! Greatest Olympian ever!!"  Now it's "Old man Phelps! We're surprised that he's even in these games. Yay Lochte!".

They passed on "The Selection" this past pilot season which was criticized for being too Hunger Games. I'm not quite sure why they are now trying to develop a tv show off of this. Shouldn't they have done this from the start? Also how is this going to pass the censors?? And you also have the problem with what happens

They passed on "The Selection" this past pilot season which was criticized for being too Hunger Games. I'm not quite sure why they are now trying to develop a tv show off of this. Shouldn't they have done this from the start? Also how is this going to pass the censors?? And you also have the problem with what happens

RIGHT!! It's like Wayne just giving Blake the keys to his Ferrari and not knowing how to drive stick. If the film was any indication on how his fighting style is, Blake has A LOT of work to do.

RIGHT!! It's like Wayne just giving Blake the keys to his Ferrari and not knowing how to drive stick. If the film was any indication on how his fighting style is, Blake has A LOT of work to do.

Question: Is John Blake really Robin?? I was thinking he skipped the whole red-underoos stage and just skipped ahead to Nightwing, since he is maybe too old to be Robin. Not that any of this matters since Nolan is done with the series.

Question: Is John Blake really Robin?? I was thinking he skipped the whole red-underoos stage and just skipped ahead to Nightwing, since he is maybe too old to be Robin. Not that any of this matters since Nolan is done with the series.

Question: Is John Blake really Robin?? I was thinking he skipped the whole red-underoos stage and just skipped ahead to Nightwing, since he is maybe too old to be Robin. Not that any of this matters since Nolan is done with the series.

Well this story broke my notifications … 20!! Also ::grumble grumble:: no Justified or Ron Swanson?? Bill Paxton's beard to win them all!

Well this story broke my notifications … 20!! Also ::grumble grumble:: no Justified or Ron Swanson?? Bill Paxton's beard to win them all!

Agreed! I mean it's great and all that the creators have some input on this, but if you are a fan of the show it will never really be the same.

Agreed! I mean it's great and all that the creators have some input on this, but if you are a fan of the show it will never really be the same.

I feel like there should be a huge "NO" in front of that pic. 

I feel like there should be a huge "NO" in front of that pic. 

Sooo the line started when for this? Last Tuesday?? With Twilight on Thursday, and this on Friday kinda glad I'm only going Saturday.