
Sooo the line started when for this? Last Tuesday?? With Twilight on Thursday, and this on Friday kinda glad I'm only going Saturday.

Uwe I think just wrapped for about to wrap a movie called ::drum roll::
Bailout: The Age of Greed!!!

Uwe I think just wrapped for about to wrap a movie called ::drum roll::
Bailout: The Age of Greed!!!

I wonder if he eats Rosebud Frozen peas?! 

I wonder if he eats Rosebud Frozen peas?! 

Hey MTV I have an idea instead of re-hashing stuff that ended two years ago, how about showing some Music Vide—- oh wait you don't do that anymore … sorry resume your normal programming activities. Can't wait for 2015 when they start showing "retro" clips of Jersey Shore!!

Hey MTV I have an idea instead of re-hashing stuff that ended two years ago, how about showing some Music Vide—- oh wait you don't do that anymore … sorry resume your normal programming activities. Can't wait for 2015 when they start showing "retro" clips of Jersey Shore!!

I think I'll wait for Lazy Boy to make a comfy version.

I think I'll wait for Lazy Boy to make a comfy version.

I would nominate 40-Year Old Virgin "the unrated (?) Cut". Saw it in theaters and have to admit that while it was a hilarious movie it ran a little too long. Unrated cut was waaaay too much to to sit through.

I would nominate 40-Year Old Virgin "the unrated (?) Cut". Saw it in theaters and have to admit that while it was a hilarious movie it ran a little too long. Unrated cut was waaaay too much to to sit through.

I got 15!! Woo HOO! Also that Supporting Actor in a Drama category is going to be a fight to the death. My vote is for Dink!

I got 15!! Woo HOO! Also that Supporting Actor in a Drama category is going to be a fight to the death. My vote is for Dink!

Finally a place where I can buy "Class Act" starring Kid n' Play!!! 

Finally a place where I can buy "Class Act" starring Kid n' Play!!! 

That actually a pretty funny feed. "Still watching season 1. We have big plans for Star-Burns next year What
if he just had regular sideburns that were still really big?"

That actually a pretty funny feed. "Still watching season 1. We have big plans for Star-Burns next year What
if he just had regular sideburns that were still really big?"

I can kinda see Jim Rash leaking this one. He just got an Oscar and is pretty much making a name for himself Screenwriting/Feature Acting-wise.

I can kinda see Jim Rash leaking this one. He just got an Oscar and is pretty much making a name for himself Screenwriting/Feature Acting-wise.

So basically it's Til' Death 2.0??