
"Remember Coach?"
Couldn't stop laughing, on point!

Did anyone notice the canary cry does *nothing* but make you cringe for a few secs then you're totally fine? Like, shouldn't their ears be bleeding or have partial hearing loss or something?

I laughed, and I agree.

She's entirely forgettable, used as fodder for the plot. The only redeeming quality is seeing the heart arrow in the title screen, a little detail I love.

Her reaction just didn't sell it, she just acted like normal cool Felicity having just another bad day, not dealing with the emotional toll that is breaking up with someone you've loved sooooooooooooooo much. I think I believed her breaking up with Ray more then this. It felt so fake on screen even though it might

God, Arrow just feels so sloppy now, really really sloppy, to the point of hilarity where it's so clear that emotions and directed narrative clash, Felicity just *had* to breakup regardless of whether it makes sense or not. Felicity's way of dealing with the breakup also felt so fake, so It didn't even feel

Dramatically changing the title card is a great way of immediately establishing that this is going to be a very different episode. I gasped when it came on screen.
Yes! A Million times Yes! This was the point where I pumped my fist up, I knew this was going to be a different kind of episode. This little detail was a

"Jiaying switches into evil mastermind mode very quickly, and Dichen Lachman doesn’t go far enough in her performance to make Jiaying a convincing villain. She was much more believable playing the softer, more motherly Jiaying, and if that is all an act, there should be a bigger contrast when she shows her true face."

its a device that projects the virtual reality stuff Coulson played around with to find out about the alien stuff.

HAHA, that's so awesome! Didn't notice. Brilliant writing+acting. Totally fooled me :D

"which is a pretty good example of Coulson being a less than model citizen. " I mean he had no choice in the matter, he was being a model citizen by asking to buy the car. If anything, it's Hunter who's not the model citizen.

"(She’s also packed a prosciutto and mozzarella sandwich with pesto aioli because she’s the best.) " Yes! Fitz and Simmons are my two favorite characters. Especially love Simmons double agent skills, totally fooled me.

Well, what's her crucible going to be? I guess training + dealing with her sister's death isn't enough, then why was it put in the show in the first place. All the time we thought she was becoming stronger only to see her as the weakest of the characters?

I thought the costume would make Laurel a cooler character, but now it feels like she's an annoying obstacle to the other characters. Honestly, the character hurts the show IMO, she's taking soooo long to be the badass we want, esp. with a name like Black Canary and all those times she was training etc. you'd think