Abby Normal

Is there some way to set up some kind of trust fund to pay Norton Juster, and then all of his decendants, a million dollars a year to make sure that no one EVER makes a CGI-laden Phantom Tollbooth movie?

My first introduction for to the book was a single chapter (the market at Dictionopolis and the feast at Azaz's palace) in a reading textbook at school and it had different illustrations (they were full color and I remember the "light meal" being really beautiful.)

Anybody ever listen to that radio show that Faith Sailie used to have?

Armchair Psychiatrist says it looks like Borderline Personality Disorder with some delusional stuff thrown in.

I can relate, sort of, but it seems kind of odd to feel THAT much disdain for having pedestrian taste as a kid.  Itunes, shoot, Napster hadn't even been invented yet.  Trying out a new band that none of your friends had heard of required getting a ride to Sam Goody and spending money on an album without a guarantee

Can't believe the concert at the end of "Blues Brothers" isn't on here!

Things I fantasized about as a little girl: steering one of the Voltron lions or taking a vacation on a moon base (someone gave me a book called "The First Travel Guide to the Moon" for my 7th birthday and when I figured out that it was fictional I was PISSED.)

There was an episode of "X Minus One" that once hear, can't remember the name, that was about a group of astronauts whose ship had exploded.  It was pretty much dialogue between the guys as they drifted further and further apart; one guy was falling into the sun, another guy was drifting into open space, etc. It was

You also forgot

The dialogue was clunky but 1) there isn't much of it and 2) you aren't supposed to pay much attention to it anyway.

Might need to IMDB this, but I seem to remember watching a video from the library with another Paul McCartney Wirral the Squirrel cartoon on it—if I remember right, the squirrel escapes in a balloon to a tropical island (also populated by squirrels for some reason) and then nothing happens.  Rupert the Bear was on

Ugh. My first boyfriend back in 7th grade thought that movie was brilliant.

Which one had Christmas Jones or something?

Never read this one ever.  I was, however, forced to read "Witch of Blackbird Pond" multiple times, for some reason.  Gaaah that book sucked.

I agree—isn't her son supposed to be about 12 or something? She seems too young to be playing the mom of a 12-year-old.

Right, because all you need for compelling portrayals of women is to slap a highfalutin' degree on them! It worked for that chick in "Goldeneye"!

That's what I thought, too.  Lance Reddick will never be anyone but Agent Broyles to me.

Leela, both Romanas, and Donna.  Largely because there were never any plot points about them falling in LURV with the Doctor.  That whole thing is getting tiresome.


It turns out that Bruce Willis was actually dead the whole time.