Abby Normal

Why should it be that big a deal when the actual comics only resemble the Norse myths in only the most cursory sense?  Shit, no one in "Clash of the Titans" looks especially Greek. 

Maybe it wasn't worth mentioning because Doctor Who viewers are in a neverending cycle of "Who the hell is this guy and why didn't they cast XYZ?"—>"Okay, actually he's not that bad."—>"OMG this is the Best Doctor Evar why the hell is he leaving now"—>"Who the hell is this guy and why didn't they cast XYZ?"

I'm from Michigan and, for good or ill, the connection with Ted Nugent is inescapable.  Where I lived, most radio stations had "Fred Bear" on constant rotation on the opening day of deer season.

Are we not men?

Netflix has "Classic Doctor Who", which is a bunch of random episodes—is there any chance that they'd ever just go ahead and put ALL the old episodes up? I would never get anything productive done ever again, but it would be pretty cool.

Since you can get through all of Sherlock in about a day, it's not like watching both is going to make your head explode or anything.

I used to binge on that one (getting the discs from Netflix) but, man, it really got painful after a while.  Has it actually gotten better?

Agreed—it's a stupid good time but I wouldn't pay money for it.  I kinda thought that the whole logic behind binge-watching was to catch up on an ongoing story.

It's been on-and-off on Netflix before—they might decide to bring it back later.

The older I get, the more it seems to me that the opposite happens—if the crazy fringe people have any reason to believe that they aren't getting every little thing they want, such as having "their guy" in office, the louder and more obnoxious they get.

1992 was freshman year of high school. I might've had to do a paper about this for English class or something?

The Decembrists "The Bachelor and the Bride"? Does that count?

Oh yeah, I remember seeing this one, although I was only 5-6 at the time and had only the vaguest idea of what the takeaway message was, other than "strangers are bad".

Oh yeah.  There were quite a few songs on there where I was more familiar with the Chipmunk version than the regular version.  I know that was the case with "Refugee".

That, and it always sounds like you're lying about your age.  Same with 39.

The show is also apparently huge among evangelical churchy-type people.  One of the guys from the show got paid major money to go speak at Rick Warren's megachurch.

I'm with PT.  Enough folks piss and moan about how rappers are ruining society by glorifying gang life, I think there ought to be more griping about shows like this glorifying idiot redneck life.

I remember looking at a library book about this guy.  There are so many of his posters that are instantly recognizable—not just Indiana Jones, but Big Trouble In Little China, The Golden Child and a bunch of other stuff.  One of the cool things was seeing how much planning would go into each of his layouts—how he'd

I'd have to agree.  I thought In Utero was the best album ever when I was around 15, but after Cobain's death I felt kinda guilty listening to it. I think I sold or gave away my copy at that point.

Re: VC Andrews—Not all of the books were about the same characters, but generally a run of several books was written as a series about one group of characters.  I haven't read all VC Andrews books, but each series tends to follow the same basic formula (teenage girl from a poor family has dreams of greatness but loses