Abby Normal

Also, call me a grumpy old jerk, but I think that if you're going as 4 you need to have a hand knit scarf.  I saw too many punks at the last convention I went to with scarves that were either crocheted or were obviously ordered from ThinkGeek.

Yup—me and my friends were way into VC Andrews books in 7th grade. Whenever you borrowed a friend's copy, the spine was always cracked where the naughty passages were.

The "method actor" concept sounds like it has the potential to get really annoying really quick.  My husband went to a comic convention last year and told me there was this woman who was in a very realistic-looking zombie costume that wound up traumatizing some of the little kids that came because she would NOT break

Nope. It was a pretty movie but too different from the book for my taste. (*Spoiler*—her dad dies for real in the book!)

I thought the movie was pretty decent, but it would've been cooler if it had been made into three movies (one book each) instead of cramming them all into one.

When my parents were watching "Cosmos" I caught the part where Carl Sagan was talking about "the last perfect day" on Earth before the sun becomes a red giant and the atmosphere burns away.  That freaked the bejesus out of me as a kid—I was convinced it was going to happen next week (I don't think 5-year-olds grasp

I remember watching this on TV (remember that rainbow-spinny "Special" logo on ABC? Or was it CBS?) when I was probably around 5 or so.  The bit with, I think, the original warren getting gassed or plowed over gave me nightmares.

@Mikosqz All they'd have to do is have him use a perception filter or other handwavey thingy when visiting less friendly places.  Easy peasy.

Yeah. Still feels like all this is too soon, dammit.

Heck yeah!

@Evil Lincoln—-I've got no shame. I think it'd be pretty cool.

I thought of Rush as a middle-of-the-road band for a long time, to the point that I sometimes used the term "sort of like Rush" to describe middle-of-the-road stuff. However, I was younger and more foolish then and most of my opinion was based on only hearing "Tom Sawyer" played every couple hours on the classic rock

I used to be "anti-musical" when I was a high school kid because I grew up in the sticks and my only exposure to musicals was Andrew Lloyd Weber crap.  I could play the piano decently, so I often got roped into accompanying folks who were singing in talent shows and recitals and such.  Pretty much any kid in town that

I'm putting this here on the slim chance that someone might see it (I'm currently binge-watching this show on Netflix)—

I was still in Girl Scouts when I was in junior high, and one year we decided to use our cookie money to go to the movies just before Christmas break.  My troop leader was afraid of getting angry calls from parents, so we couldn't pick out a movie that was any more "adult" than "PG".  This was why we all ended up

I agree with Mireille—I don't know of a pregnant woman that would go along with it.  One of the reasons that having your belly triple in size is even remotely tolerable is because the expansion happens gradually over a 9-month period.

The "guy with the wooden eye" joke is one of only two jokes I ever heard my grandpa tell, so he told it a lot.  (The other one was "Pi R squared?  No, pie are round.")

Like Jon Stewart said—someday we might even have a Christian president!

Ugh. I'm kinda sick of how these guys equate "censorship" (you know, like a government locking you up for something you wrote) with being blocked on Facebook (which is a private company and can block whatever the hell they want.)

I've got relatives who post this kind of thing (and worse) on their Facebook feeds all the time.  I can't unfriend all of them because many of them want to keep in touch and see the pictures of my kids that I post and stuff like that.  I've learned to just quickly scroll past the crap without thinking about it too