Abby Normal

Commenting very late here since I'm binge-watching this show on Netflix—

Okay to take a giant-robot-loving 7-year-old to see it? (Typical American parent here—think he can handle watching lots of shit getting blowed up but don't want have any uncomfortable conversations w/ him about people boinking.)

As cool as a female doctor would be, I do kind of shudder to think what would happen to her in the hands of the wrong writer. I think the only way it would work would be for her gender to be mentioned as little as possible—which strains plausibility when traveling to less female friendly environments like the

Oh. Thank you.

I don't know about anyone else, but this song freaked the bejeesus out of me when I was a kid. I remember first hearing on the radio late at night after getting a radio for my birthday—9 years old or so? I listened to the oldies station all the time back then.

Is Cecil Castellucci the same guy that did "Robot Dreams"?

And the eyebrows.  Don't forget all the eyebrows.

Love "Tiny Titans" and "Superman Family Adventures"—-my kid is old enough to read them himself, but he still humors me and lets me read them to him (with voices!) so that I get to read them too.

Probably just me, but when I read "profoundly Stephen King villain" my first concern was "good Stephen King villain or shitty Stephen King villain"?

Come to my macaroni party then we'll take a nap!

That's a scar? I thought it was a weirdly dilated facial artery.  That or a magic marker accident.

I have to confess that I used to watch "Ghost Whisperer" just to see what JLH was wearing.

I think I might go out for some Frawnch bread instead.

@avclub-6f097e848d3e349ddf8763d4aaa943df:disqus Well, there was an unusual amount of nice stuff being said about Nixon when he died.

The last couple issues of "BPRD" revolved around a super-horrible demon thingy being kept under control for 30-some years by a recorded incantation being broadcast constantly over a short-wave radio station. Evil craziness ensues in the process of converting the recording to digital (I have to reread the thing.) 

No he's not—his mom had him tested!

@NFET: I don't think it's so much that he "always lies"; he just occasionally decides "let's not tell the humans about this".

Random observation: I liked that the "time traveler from the dawn of time travel" looked like she was wearing a not-terribly-futuristic-looking plastic raincoat. It gave it sort of a "12 Monkeys" vibe.

1) Lumpy Space Princess

Rose is a character that I've come like less and less in retrospect, although I think about 50% of that is all the gawdawful 10/Rose shipping tha fangirls keep going on about. I have to admit that hearing that Billie Piper is going to be in the anniversary show has me a bit worried.