Abby Normal


Hells yeah. I liked Tennant plenty, but Smith is turning out to be my all-time favorite. When he leaves it's going to mess me up.

Hey—how did the TARDIS keep translating for everyone while it was at the South Pole?

Man, is there a lot of stuff like that going on! There was this screenshot circulating that suggested that OMG! The car that almost ran over Clara's dad was the same one that ran over Rose's dad!

I ran across a rerun of Diff'rent Strokes, and she was on there as Arnold's teacher.  Weird thing is she didn't look a day older on DS9.

Rickman is awesome but too old/not fairyish enough.

When I was reading it the first time, I had it this way—

@Lack of Name— Just go hang around Justice or one of those other tweenie stores at the mall for about 30 minutes.  You'll hear 'em.

If only this show took a cue from Doctor Who and vaporized all the contestants as they got voted off.

I'm gonna eat you little fisheee!

@Tecumseh: He gave a key to Victorian Clara which was a Big Deal. This version if Clara never got one (maybe he just forgot?)

"Paternalistic" totally works for the Doctor. There have been plenty of times where he's just decided to withhold information from a companion, probably assuming that "the humans couldn't handle it". Shoot, Clara's been time traveling a couple of times now—is he ever going to just come out and tell her that the

These books were never on my radar as a kid, but I've been curious about them.  I'm in the process of reading "The Hobbit" with my 7-year-old and I've been on the lookout for other adventure-type books that he might like.

Screw that. It'd be great for her to get an inexplicably hot boyfriend. Maybe someone like Penny's ex (the guy whose butt made her go "hoo") only smarter.

Good grief, is it getting tiresome to see Amy getting shit on all the time.

Hey, Jelly and vick, you seem to be missing the point of the post.  Perhaps you are having mammary problems.

I've been kind of wondering about that.  When I was a kid, my mom had made some occasional offhand comments about the Catholic church being overly focused on the crucifixion—what with their churches with all the gory crucifixes everywhere, etc.  According to her, Protestants (specifically, born-again evangelical types

My mom has those.  They aren't that bad.

I think it's all due to the whole "if it's not something on the shelf at Family Bookstore, it's going to send you straight to hell" mindset.  If you have only a very small bit of culture that you're "allowed" to be exposed to, it stands to reason that you never really learn what good art looks like.

@heliphyneau—there was a story in one of the comic books where fezzes get used as mind control devices.