Abby Normal

This is going to be kind of lame, but my favorite book growing up was "Great Expectations", and I wound up rereading it when I finished college.  I was trying to get into medical school, and when I graduated college I was on a lot of waiting lists but still hadn't been accepted anywhere.  So, I was going through a

Ditto Blankets.  My parents are right-wing religious people (not as fundie as the parents in the book), and his portrayal of his parents and church really struck me—it was the first time for me that a comic book like this didn't do a really cartoonish picture of fundamentalist Christianity.  Sure, he does a good job

Hey, I remember Blue Monday—I thought it was a good sight better than mediocre.

Oh, other amateur c-sections that should've been on the list: Morgan Freeman performing one on Brian Blessed's wife in "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves" (with a scimitar, if I remember correctly—and she survives!) and RDJ on whoever that was in "Restoration" (who was not so lucky.)

Doc here as well (non-trauma)—I always thought movies seemed to play pretty fast & loose with the amateur suturing as well.  Even if a wound is gushing blood, it's generally better to pack it and apply pressure than to try to sew it up (especially if all you've got is dental floss.)

Normally, I would say "Only a complete dim bulb would go into this expecting a kids' movie".  However, I remember that my local news show did a whole segment on dim bulb parents that took their kids to see it and wound up leaving all huffy, with their now-traumatized little kids in tow.

I read "Things Fall Apart" in college, and I mostly just remember how lame the class discussions were—everything just boiled down to how horrible the missionaries were for messing up the natives' way of life.  Never mind the fact that the natives' way of life included tossing babies out into the forest to die and

Yeah, and Frank Thorton doesn't even rate an obit at all? Yeah, I know everybody hates crappy Britcoms from the 80's, but come on! The guy lived to be 92, I'm sure he had a pretty interesting life.

All the songs mentioned are awesome, but I still can't hear "Could It Be I'm Falling in Love" without thinking of having my braces put on when I was kid.

Exactly. I read the short story after seeing the episode and was impressed with how much creepier it was.

Chocolate diamonds=the diamonds that were too ugly to even use as cutting tools

One of my big criteria for liking a celebrity is whether or not they get along well with Craig Ferguson.  She pretty much failed that test.

Waitaminute—Amy should put up with Sheldon's bullshit because she's "no prize peach"? That's not endearing, that's pathetic. Only girls that look like Penny should get to pick and choose?

Random fact—the actress who is the voice of Howard's mom was on Kolchak: The Night Stalker.

So, in other words, 'twas ever thus.

@hulk6785: I know.  I suppose I'm just jealous because my boobs have never let me get away with any contemptible behavior.

Yeah, I know—blah blah blah boobs, blah blah whatever. I'm a heterosexual chick—it's going to take some major boobs to have that much of an effect on me.

It's been a long time since I watched this one—all I can remember is developing this nearly visceral hatred of Peri. Arrrgh, I wanted so badly to punch her in the face.

That's what I thought—he's a nerd and an engineer; I would've expected him to have one of those MakerBot things already.

I might as well ask this here—what's wrong with Out Of Time? Sure, I understand that everybody hates "Shiny Happy People" but there are still some good songs on there (I still love "Half A World Away"). When I was a teenager, I lived out in the sticks where there wasn't a college station, so this album was my only