
I'd go back in time to before the start of the Vice Presidential debate and declare Pence the winner.

Ruffin's amazing.

I didn't know he was a thespian.

“Just let it play out. I like to see where these things go” was the best line of the show.

Damn skippy…

"His baloney had a first name. It was O-S-C-A-R."

If nitrites, lips and peckers will keep me going to age 87, I'm a buyer.

The A.V. CLUB will be there for you.

Written today it would probably be:
"I wish I WAS a Oscar Meyer wiener…"
Sorry, just mourning the slow death of our language.

Boy, really one of those "too many to enumerate", "where to start" deals.
I'll go with some entries in law enforcement.
As far as TV goes, I'd start with Opie and Andy (of Mayberry fame) and work my way up to the McGarretts on H50 (Steve and his mommy). Picket Fences fits in there somewhere along the continuum.

The immortalization of Rummy.

Seriously. Fantasy football is so last year. Fantasy politics is where it's at now.

"98% unfavorable rating".

The MOMA road show exhibit of early erotic art studies from Bob Ross.

I'm hoping it's a nod to her pubic hair.

The house at pooh corner.

Creepy kid who grew up to be a creepy adult.
In my opinion.

"Trump's got what deplorables crave".

Their shameless data mining is horrid.

Cheney ended up being the gift that keeps on giving.
Special place in Hell…