
I'm starting to think that Andy shouldn't be consuming alcohol.

"…like they were real food" doesn't help narrow it down much.

It's about time.
I very much like the idea that a song that starts off with "Oh, good evening Mr. Sheen" and is generously sprinkled with "Motherfucker" might soon be played as the backdrop of every NASCAR race and all professional bowling and golf tournaments.

For your consideration….
He should get the face lift now so that everything will melt into place by the time Oscar season arrives.

Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld.
Just keep adding famous people until the world implodes under the sheer weight of it.


"Oh, also, iPod Touch is the funniest, most specific giveaway I could ever imagine."
And then they come right back with the [whatever the hell herb it was] soy candle.

Thanks for putting together such a thoughtful tribute!

So we're going to see a stack of issues of The Onion in the Starbucks next to the Avis dealership? I can't wait to see the cover headlines.

I have not seen Space Jam, and I feel reluctant to lie and say that I did.

Yes, I need to spend more time arguing with Tyler Perry fans.

You're right - there's a lot to like, there.

You're only hurting yourself.
That's the best thing about lying, and why no one discourages it.

To be fair, my seething hatred was not completely involuntary.

I was thinking….
"Autistic slaughterhouse designer"
Temple Grandin

Yah, sorry I left out the "am".

I was just wondering… again…

NBC makes only good successful shows.

OK, except the exchange rate is: 1 US dollar equals about 360 HK dollars….

I just wanna say….
That was some goddamn good-lookin' toast!