
We already had a series about hair-brained schemes based on Payday loans. It was called "Amos and Andy". It was long ago. It was in black&white. (No pun intended)

A typical Conan interview

Why cover Kimmel? For a Carson take-off, he had "the ghost of Carson Daly" woven into his monologue. Surely, that's been done to death.

Hulu, where everything is free.
The amazing point of irony in all of this is that Conan may indeed have many more viewers than anyone else. I've seen it posted repeatedly in these discussions that the wellspring audience for Conan (the self-admittedly younger, hipper crowd) don't even watch his show on "real TV". They

Yes, Ruddy Ruddy!
I strongly suspected Sammi was using audacity in the ironic sense.

Smigel's a god. Maybe even The God….

You, sir, have an obsession with Yimmy and Sarah.
Let it go, he went back to Matt Damon.

Things we'd like to see
J-BOWWOW and Mike should totally hook up.

As a woman of science I resent your suggestion that DVR's aren't possessed by the devil, Noel.
TiVo spelled backwards is "oViT". That's an obvious reference to EvIl.
Don't get me started on "LEOn".

Bring back Jill or her twin sister…
The high point of this series for me were the episodes with the "Jill" story line -her character coming in, going away, and coming back. I was glued to my screen, even if I had to choke back the Chevy Chase evil overlord character to get there.
I guess any time they want to win me

After the scene at the train station, I was waiting for Sarah to say to Chuck,
"We'll always have Prague…"

Judgement Day - the day J-BOWWOW became self-aware.

My favorite one is Pauly D
At least I think he's one of the actually decent people.
He never seems to end up with a girl, though and he spends an awful lot of time on his hair.
I wonder if he has a moment of self-discovery coming to him somewhere down the road?

I wish we could all go back to a simpler, more honest time when children murdered their parents while they were asleep.

When you have 8 Executive Producers, you can pull off that sort of coup.