
Serge, Guile, Poshul. I've got Kid, Leena, and Korcha yet to be swapped in. And I did not, I'll look into going back and grabbing that.

Chykka actually. I'm playing on the original GC disc and didn't actually have any issues getting past the Boost Guardian, as far as I remember.

I can't remember. Is Clover going to be in this one? It's been quite a while since I played VLR.

I. Cannot. Wait.

I'm honestly just stuck on the first goddamn Beeba fight right now. A little guy with more HP than the previous boss stops you and proceeds to summon three more of him, whilst beating the crap out of your party in the process. Maybe I just have the wrong setup right now, but it's pretty frustrating.

I know a lot of people had problems with the Prime games, especially with the logbook entries, but I really enjoyed it. I beat the first one a while ago, and got decently into Echoes, but lost progress after I forgot to save after a particularly nasty boss about halfway through. Put it down and haven't gone back

Trying to finally play Chrono Cross. I can see why people were disappointed with it, being the follow up to one of my favourite games and all, but it's still a solid RPG.

I started playing "Darkest Dungeon" this week, and I'm loving it. The combination of old-school RPG tactics and Lovecraft monsters is perfect. The difficulty hasn't been quite as overwhelming as people have hyped it up to be, but it's still a challenge to rearrange my party so I don't get completely destroyed every

Those photos of Kane in Hawaii were some of the worst Photoshop jobs I've seen in a long time.

Because child abuse, as we all know, is the base of all comedy.

Well, this sure looks like trash. I'll probably watch it in theaters anyway. Can't be worse than Ted 2.

Well, this sure looks like trash. I'll probably watch it in theaters anyway. Can't be worse than Ted 2.

I've been playing more CounterStrike: Global Offensive. It's..eaten up way more time than I ever expected it to, but I'm at least up to Gold Nova 3. I got myself a week-long ban on purpose, so I'd actually have a reason to go and play other games. (I did this before during finals. It works pretty well.)

I only bought three games during the Steam Summer Sale this time around, mostly due to me having to pay stupid things like rent and car payments and student loans. Unnecessary wastes of money. Despite that, I still picked up Age of Mythology: Extended Edition. Even though I have the original game and box sitting on my