
Has Amelie badly misjudged AV Clublic Opinion?
Or has she finally found a chink in your contempt-for-middle-brow-pop-culture armor?

Your reign on the top was short like leprechauns/As I crush so-called willies, thugs, and rapper-dons/Get in that ass, quick fast, like ramadan/Its that rap phenomenon Don-Dadda, fuck Poppa/You got ta, call me, Francis M.H. White
in tank-light totes, tote iron/Was told in shootouts, stay low, and keep

All you heard was Papa please don't hit me no more
Here's what I did, Sean. I read your opening graf, then I scrolled down to the comments section (cuz that's how I scroll) and gave a cursory glance to see if anybody got the B.I.G. reference and had anything to say about it. Seeing that none did, I immediately began

Imagine if bitches could stay off this dick
Snoop is a pretty much a punchline at this point, but he's making the most out of it. More or less a gimmick act that happens to be listenable. As long as he doesn't take himself too seriously I can like him, but not respect him.

Man Bites Dog
A film doesn't rise above criticism from its audience just because it condemns the tastes of that very audience. Giving this movie a straight up-and-down "A" runs the risk of making it seem like you just want to feel cool for being on the right side of the joke. I'm not saying that's the case—I'm just

I'm not a Klosterman
I'm a Kloster, Man.

Is this what comments are like
when nobody has listened to the record? The lack of stridently defended opinions is actually kind of refreshing.