
It was clear from her dialogue in the pep talk scene that the writers were trying to parallel the times that she's had to reassure and stroke Bill's ego to make him feel better, tell him that she's there for him, etc., but… of course the outright insanity of him encouraging her to show her breasts and her actually

The commenter LifelessHusk above is not wrong when he says that there are too many plotlines going on. The producers are obviously concerned about not having enough material for The Bill and Gini Show, so they introduce new characters, but that means that they have to follow up on those characters, except that not all

I didn't agree with a lot of the complaints about this season focusing on their families and children, but this episode was… weird, and not in its usual very interesting way. This just felt like plot-driven setup to make Gini loathe Bill, as was very clear in her increasingly cloudy expression during their interview

I'm so glad your mom liked it, John! I'd never listened to your podcast before, but she has a very measured and honest take on the show.

It was cringe-worthy, because it was very awkward. Bill had an orgasm, Virginia didn't. She explained to him why, he convinced her to keep going, they tried again in different positions, and had simultaneous orgasm, which is when Gini started to get more excited about the project and what the data suggested. There's

I feel like you're conveniently eliding some events here, conflating Bill's proposal at the end of the premiere and their discussion about sex being a condition of employment in season 2. A lot happened in between, and at Gini's discretion and choice. She chose to remove her blouse and set his hand on her breast. And

But Gini is absolutely the last person who wouldn't admit that she wanted sex. George described her as "magical" and Ethan practically thought she was some kind of alien—her allure for men is that she straight up tells them what she wants in bed.

And that power play she pulled on him in the hotel was one he was totally up for, to prove himself to her. They were both into it. Michael Sheen has referred to that as "a gift that Bill gave to her".

There was an episode in season 2 when they were at Buell Green when Gini outright asked him if continued sex was a condition of her employment, and Bill told her no, then paused and changed his mind, telling her yes. In the behind the scenes episode, Lizzy Caplan said that Gini was actually disappointed when Bill

I would love that, especially since it subverts informed audience expectations about history.

Salient points all around, especially to Gini conveniently forgetting that she was the one who insisted on calling the affair "science" last season. I'm hoping the writers turn the usual "Bill chases after Gini" thing on its head toward the end of this season.

Man, the line Gini had in the lab bedroom about their coital union being pretty much nothing more than a pair of amoeba mating was cold as ice. It's a testament to Bill growing as a character that he kept trying with her in the elevator, even though he got shut down again.

They just have blazing hot chemistry together. From their interviews, it kinda sounds like it's spilled over into real life a little, too.

It seems like from the previews for the next episode that she's trying to resist the temptation to distance herself from Bill, though. She tells Dan Logan that it was a mistake to ask him out. Bill and Gini try to hit the hotel but are recognized, so they go to the lab. And there are pictures of them having dinner

I definitely agree that their bond now goes beyond a physical relationship, but it is nice to see them actually content given how shitty Bill tends to be to her when their clothes are on.

Yeah, I mean, I guess all the teasing of the audience has led somewhere—a shot of them deeply happy and obviously in love is that much more meaningful after such a long pause.

In a season that's been this dry, I'll take what I can get.

Lord, that first scene. Hoo. I just need more overhead shots of Bill on his back with his navel exposed, grinning down at naked Gini. FOREVER.

"At least I'm not the one keyed up to watch a kid's show."

A review that sees both the good and the bad in the episode is so much stronger than one despairing about the lack of bubbly funtime glee in a show that once had a main character hold his own dead daughter's body in his hands.