
I think they told us how it's going to end—with the audience sitting there asking each other "Is that all there is?"

In addition to teaching their new recruits how to sex anyone necessary, the Soviets gave their field agents lessons in Dad Humor.


Which episodes have you watched so far?

Yeah, but 300 barrels of radioactive waste might be slightly hard to come by if they wanted to power up the portal again.

He does have twelve—in the shot where he opens his coat to tuck the book into an inner pocket, you can clearly count six fingers on each hand.

I didn't see it as the audience being asked to assume that Sheen is hideous, but that everything that had happened over the course of the day had built up and he couldn't take it anymore. All the little indignities, assumptions, and sacrifices had dinged Bill's ego so badly that he didn't have any self-protection

I'm just going to live my life believing that Bill and Gini got the Corman experience, because that is the world I want to live in.

I *thought* I heard them say Corman! The ol' bane of Mike, Joel, and the 'Bots! On my TV screen. What a world.

Glad to know this got an A-ish out of Gwen after last week.

Libby and Gini were fast friends from the start—even as early as the pilot, Gini mentions how she'd been over to their house like four times in one week.

Michael Sheen said in an interview recently that every time someone paints Bill with the "oh he's just a raging asshole" brush, he gets upset because they're completely missing the complexity of his character.

Chiming in that I don't understand it when people bitch about how Bill is a terrible person or that they don't get why Gini is a protagonist and how they hope these two "achieve some redemption." It winds up sounding about as genuine and sensical as Frank's insistence on forgiving people.

Wow, *really*, Gwen? Hope you're feeling a little cool, 'cause I'm throwing you some major shade on that C+.

"Have that detailed how he managed to pay for undergraduate and medical school?"

When the credits were rolling, I thought this was either the best episode they've ever done or the worst.

I don't know that I agree with you on it being odd that Bill is willing to falsify data, Gwen—that's a real-life detail that'll come up again in the 70s and 80s. What we need to know about William Masters is that he will do anything, ANYTHING, for his study to be taken seriously, and that means some very weird things

The summary for this episode said that Robert is Coral's brother, so Coral was using Libby's assumptions to get in a few choice power digs at her.

She danced with him, but when it came to standing up to the doctor who called him her "boy," she couldn't muster more than saying that he was the handyman rather than her friend.

Bill's toothpaste-swirled/candy-striped bathrobe in the scene where Libby was patching him up was *glorious* and I missed anything relevant or meaningful that he might have said because I was just open-mouthed in awe of it.